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  • (c) Musik in Brandenburgischen Schlössern
    © Musik in Brandenburgischen Schlössern
  • Bodemuseum Berlin Concert Series
    Bodemuseum Berlin Concert Series
  • (c) Musik in Brandenburgischen Schlössern
    © Musik in Brandenburgischen Schlössern

Bodemuseum Série de Concertos de Berlim

Berlim, Bode‐Museum — Gobelin Hall

Free seating Dê isto como presente flexível

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Preço Total
$ 53

Sobre o Evento

Experimente um concerto no Museu Bode na Ilha dos Museus de Berlim, um dos mais importantes tesouros arquitetônicos da cidade.

Esta série de concertos oferece uma maneira única de desfrutar do museu recentemente renovado.


  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Haydnquartette Streichquartette KV 428, 464, 465
O programa está sujeito a alterações


Quarteto de Cordas: Haydnquartett Berlin

Four musicians joined forces in 2008 to form a new string quartet, the 'Haydn Quartet Berlin'. The quartet is supported by the association 'Musik in Brandenburgischen Schlössern'. The association had very successfully carried out a similar project and began supporting the Mozart Quartet Berlin in 2004. The Haydn Quartet has also undergone a similar development and has meanwhile become a permanent guest in the concert halls of Berlin, Munich, Hamburg and Salzburg. It has developed into one of the most outstanding German string quartets with exciting interpretations of the classical‐romantic quartet literature. The quartet had its successful premiere on 12 October 2008 at Köpenick Castle. In February 2011 the ensemble made its successful debut at the Palais Liechtenstein in Vienna.

Comentários de Clientes

5.0 Suporte 5

  • Kathrin C, Deutschland

    dez 2023

    Ein sehr schönes Konzert mit tollen jungen MusikerInnen

  • Elena G, Россия

    jan 2019

    Замечательный концерт, спасибо за возможность купить Билеты онлайн. Не возникло никаких проблем при посещении. Предъявили распечатку и все.

  • Heinrich B, Deutschland

    jan 2019

    Sehr gute Pianistin, sehr gute Plätze für uns. Ein tolles Geburtstagsgeschenk für meine Frau.

  • Alexander R, Deutschland

    dez 2018

    Ein wunderbares Konzert in angenehmer Athmosphäre. Unsere Befürchtung, die Akustik des Raumes könnte den Musikgenuss beeinträchtigen, haben sich nicht bestätigt. Wir werden unseren Besuch sicher wiederholen.

  • Anne W, Deutschland

    dez 2018


  • takaharu a, Japan

    set 2014


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Bode‐Museum, Am Kupfergraben, Berlim, Germany — Veja no Google Maps

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