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As Quatro Estações de Vivaldi na Igreja Minoritana

Viena, Minoritenkirche — Main Hall

Plano de Assentos Free seating  E-Ticket instantâneo Dê isto como presente flexível

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$ 75

Sobre o Evento

Mergulhe na extraordinária combinação de música e arquitetura na Minoritenkirche, onde se realizam serões musicais excepcionais. Descubra a magia que ocorre quando os sons gloriosos se fundem com o ambiente majestoso.

Experimente uma interpretação cativante da famosa composição de Vivaldi, "As Quatro Estações", apresentada de forma inigualável pelo quinteto de cordas Wiener Kammersymphonie e pela premiada violinista Alexandra Tirsu. Testemunhe esta obra‐prima a ganhar vida na grandeza da Minoritenkirche.

Deixe‐se envolver pela essência da era barroca durante os concertos de Advento realizados na Minoritenkirche. Deixe que os solistas do Barucco Consort Wien o transportem para um mundo de beleza inigualável, interpretando o Barroco na sua forma mais magnífica. Mergulhe nas esplêndidas melodias do passado e viva uma viagem musical verdadeiramente encantadora.


  • Antonio Vivaldi – Die vier Jahreszeiten
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Eine kleine Nachtmusik in G Dur K 525
O programa está sujeito a alterações


Violino: Alexandra Tirsu
Quarteto de Cordas: Vienna Chamber Symphony String Quintet

Antonio Vivaldi

Antonio Vivaldi went down in history as a creator of the instrumental concert genre and the father of orchestral music. He was born in Venice on the 4th of March 1678. Vivaldi was a weak and sickly child suffering from asthma, however could not stop him from devoting himself completely to music. His father, Giovanni Batista a professional violinist, taught his elder son Antonio to play the violin. With his father young Antonio met the best musicians of Venice of that time and gave concerts in local churches. He also worked as a violin teacher and later as a music director at the orphanage Ospedalle della Pieta. Meanwhile he composed concertos, sacred works and vocal music and in 1713 he achieved great recognition with his sacred choral music. Vivaldi got captivated by the world of opera and worked both as opera composer and impresario at the Teatro San Angelo. In 1717 he obtained a prestigious position by the prince court in Manua as a director of secular music and worked there until around 1720. During that time he composed his world-renowned masterpiece The Four Seasons. In the 1730's his career dwindled as his music became unfashionable and the great composer died in poverty. It took the world two centuries to rediscover and reevaluate Vivaldi’s music, as it was buried into oblivion after his death. In the early 20th century many previously unknown works were found and immediately captured the hearts of the music lovers.


Minoritenkirche, Minoritenplatz 2a, Viena, Austria — Veja no Google Maps

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