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  • Terme di Caracalla
    Terme di Caracalla

Le notti romane di Dior: Caracalla 2024

Rzym, Łaźnie Karakalli — Main Hall

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$ 129

O wydarzeniu

Zanurz się w oszałamiającej architekturze zapierających dech w piersiach rzymskich łaźni Karakalli, aby wziąć udział w wyjątkowym koncercie, który rozbudzi Twoje zrozumienie muzyki klasycznej.


Nuit Dansée
Muzyka: Philip Glass
Choreograf: Giorgio Mancini

Nuit Romaine
Music By Antonio Vivaldi, Georg Friedrich Händel, Johann Sebastian Bach, Gioachino Rossini, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Franz Schubert, Richard Wagner

Daft Punk
Choreographer: Angelin Preljocaj

Dyrygent: Alvise Casellati

Z Eleonorą Abbagnato

Asystent choreografa: Claudia De Smet
Projektant kostiumów: Maria Grazia Chiuri Christian Dior Couture
Scenograf: Andrea Miglio

Teatro dell'Opera di Roma Orchestra, Étoiles, Principal Dancers, Soloists and Corps de Ballet

Teatro dell'Opera di Roma New Production

Baths of Caracalla

The Baths of Caracalla are one of the best remaining examples of the ancient public baths of Rome. The city´s second largest Roman thermae, or public baths, Caracalla is the only site in which it has been possible to restore the original decorative scheme. Built during the reigns of the Emperors Septimius Severus and Caracalla (212 AD to 216 AD), under imperial patronage, the baths were immensely popular. Contemporary descriptions create a picture of oriental paving in coloured marble, enormous marble columns, glass paste mosaics, painted stucco, marbled walls and hundreds of colossal statues. Nonetheless, the baths fell into disuse in the 6th Century, and were allowed to decay. Extensive excavations in the 19th and 20th Centuries returned the Baths to their current state. Since 2001, this spectacular venue hosts concerts and performances of operas on a movable stage outwith the main structure, so as not to put stress on the ancient ruins.


Łaźnie Karakalli, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, Rzym, Włochy — Zobacz na Mapach Google

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