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Baxter Theatre Centre, Cape Town, © rotsee/Commons style= Baxter Theatre Centre, Cape Town, © rotsee/Commons

Baxter Theatre Centre

Kapsztad, Republika Południowej Afryki

The Baxter Theatre Centre at the University of Cape Town endeavours to present and host the best of South African performing arts. The objective is to reflect the cultures of all the people of South Africa on our stages and in our foyers and galleries. We envisage a vibrant cultural centre developing an interactive relationship with our local and university communities. We strive to present cutting‐edge and major works from South Africa and masterpieces from the international repertoire.

Since its opening in 1977 the complex has continued to provide a stage for all types of professional entertainment — music, drama, ballet, opera and intimate theatre. Even through the difficult years of racial segregation its doors remained open to everyone and it thrived, drawing on indigenous talent and creating a uniquely South African theatre tradition.


Baxter Theatre Centre, Main Road Rondebosch, 7701 Kapsztad, Republika Południowej Afryki, Zobacz na Mapach Google

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