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Basílica de la Mercè style= Basílica de la Mercè

Basílica de la Mercè

Barcelona, Hiszpania

The Basilica of Our Lady of Mercy (in Catalan Basilica de la Mare de Deu de la Mercè), known simply as the Merced Basilica (Basilica de la Merced) is a Baroque‐style church located in the Plaza de la Merced, in the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona. It was built between 1765 and 1775 by Catalan architect Josep Mas i Dordal. Dedicated to the Virgin of Mercy as the patron of Barcelona, the Basilica de la Mercè is one of the city's most representative churches.


Basílica de la Mercè, Plaça Mercè, 1 , 08002 Barcelona, Hiszpania, Zobacz na Mapach Google

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