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ヴェネツィア, サンタ・マリア・デッラ・ピエタ — Main Hall

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$ 42





アンサンブル: Vivaldi Baroque Ensemble

Santa Maria della Pietà

The church of Santa Maria della Pietà, sometimes called 'della Visitazione', is a well-known church in Venice, Italy. At the time of building, between 1745 andl 1760, it sat adjacent to a hospital-orphanage called the 'Ospedale della Pietá', key to the the church's association with Vivaldi. Designed by Giorgio Massari, the building was not completed to his original plan, although this did not diminish its finished splendor. Above the entrance sits a large bas-relief created by Marsili in 1800, representing the virtue of Charity. The frescoed ceilings and presbytery were contributed by Tiepolo, depicting Peace, Strength and the Triumph of Faith, angelic musicians and theological virtues. Works by other great artists proliferate, including 'Jesus in Simon’s house' (1544) by Alessandro Bonvicino and paintings by Piazzetta, Giuseppe Angeli, Maggiotto, and Angelo Marinetti.


サンタ・マリア・デッラ・ピエタ, Riva degli Schiavoni 4150, ヴェネツィア, イタリア — Googleマップ

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