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  • (c) Estonian National Opera
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  • (c) Estonian National Opera
    © Estonian National Opera
  • (c) Estonian National Opera
    © Estonian National Opera
  • (c) Estonian National Opera
    © Estonian National Opera

Romeo and Juliet: Estonian National Opera

タリン, エストニア国立歌劇場 (Estonian National Opera) — Theatre Hall

最高の座席割り当て  2 h 55 min 柔軟性のあるギフトとして贈る


$ 75


In this famous love story, director Stephen Barlow focuses on the fate of two hostile families and integrates them into contemporary Parisian society.

Gounod's magnificent version of Shakespeare's tragic story is graceful, dramatic and extremely melodic. It is known for its deeply emotional love duets, its beautiful orchestral colours and its heart‐rending choirs. Through the futile feud of the Capuleti and Montecchi families, the love of two young people is the ray of light that spreads the message of eternal love.


Sung in French with subtitles in Estonian and English


  • シャルル・グノー – Roméo et Juliette


5.0 の 5

  • Marina K, Россия

    11月 2019年

    Потрясающий балет!!!! Спасибо огромное за вашу работу!!!!

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エストニア国立歌劇場 (Estonian National Opera), Estonian Avenue 4, タリン, エストニア — Googleマップ

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