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Francesco Barsanti
(Lucca 1690 — London 1770)
A collection of Old Scots tunes
'Bonny Jean'

Pietro Castrucci
(Rome 1679 — Dublin 13 March 1751)
フルートと bc のためのソナタ ニ短調。

Francesco Barsanti
(Lucca 1690 — London 1770)
from: A collection of Old Scots tunes
'Ettrich Banks

Giuseppe Sammartini
(Milan 6 January 1695 — London, November 1750)
Triosonata in F Major for two flutes and bc.

Francesco Geminiani
(Lucca 5 December 1687 — Dublin 17 September 1762)
from: A Treatise of a Good Taste in Art of Music
'The Lafs of Peaty's Mill

Francesco Mancini
(Naples 1672‐ 1737)
sonata in D minor for flute and basso continuo

Francesco Geminiani
(Lucca 5 December 1687 — Dublin 17 September 1762)
from:A Treatise of a Good Taste in Art of Music
'The Last Time I Came o'er the Moor'.

Francesco Barsanti
(Lucca 1690 — London 1770)
sonata in C major for flute and bc.

Francesco Geminiani
(Lucca 5 December 1687 — Dublin 1762 September 17)
from: A Treatise of a Good Taste in Art of Music 'Sleepy body'

Louis Merci
(c. 1695 — England — London 1750).1695 — England — London 1750)
'Alla Scozzesa' for cello and bc

Francesco Geminiani
(Lucca 5 December 1687 — Dublin 1762 September 17)
from: A Treatise of a Good Taste in Art of Music 'Lady Ann Bothwel's lament'
Affectionate and Allegro

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