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Classic Italian Opera in Santa Monaca Church style= Classic Italian Opera in Santa Monaca Church

クラシック・イタリアン・オペラ in サンタ・モナカ教会

フィレンツェ, サンタ・モナカ教会 (Chiesa di Santa Monaca) — Main Hall

自由席  1 h 15 min  瞬時にeチケット 柔軟性のあるギフトとして贈る


$ 30





  • ジュゼッペ・ヴェルディ – 椿姫 – Arias from La Traviata
  • ジャコモ・プッチーニ – 蝶々夫人 – Arias from Madame Butterfly
  • ジャコモ・プッチーニ – トスカ – Arias from "Tosca"
  • ジャコモ・プッチーニ – ラ・ボエーム – Arias from: "La Bohème"
  • ジョアキーノ・ロッシーニ – セビリアの理髪師 – Arias from 'Il barbiere di Siviglia'
  • ヴォルフガング・アマデウス・モーツァルト – フィガロの結婚 – Arias and Duets, from 'The Marriage of Figaro', K. 492


4.4 の 5

  • Juan Pablo N, Chile

    09月 2019年

    Buena performance, nos faltó algunos instrumentos para hacer la presentación más atractiva.

  • Linda W, USA

    05月 2019年

    This was a stronger and more professional program than anticipated. All performers seemed to enjoy sharing their love of opera and classical piano with the relatively small, but enthusiastic audience. I enjoyed listening to young Elena’s strong and accomplished voice knowing that she will continue to grow and flourish. The pianist was a nice surprise and his Chopin was technically flawless but would have had greater impact in a more classical, non‐ operatic program. Enjoyed their playfulness yet professional air, and the acoustics were excellent. Elena’s clear pitch perfect strong voice powerfully command this former church. Delightful and well worth the ticket price. Thank you —

  • Weina C, Germany

    03月 2019年

    Wonderful beautiful evening in this exclusive venue and with such virtuous artists! Florence is an amazing city that inspires so many beauty. La dolce vita in the air. Thank u for this touching evening ❤️

  • robert g, USA

    10月 2018年

    Venue in simple unadorned church. Excellent acoustics. Close‐up seating to performers. Only 40 people in audience. Baritone, soprano and pianist all excellent

  • Aase B, Norway

    10月 2018年

    I enjoyed the concert and would easily be back.

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サンタ・モナカ教会 (Chiesa di Santa Monaca), Via S. Monaca 6, フィレンツェ, イタリア — Googleマップ

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