ザルツブルクの旧市街にある歴史ある聖ペーター修道院(Erzabtei St. Peter)のロマネスクな雰囲気と共にモーツァルトのピアノ・ソナタをお楽しみ下さい。
3.0 の 5
Andreas R, Deutschland
03月 2019年
Herausragend…der Musiker…
Tadej B, Slovenia
03月 2019年
The music and the pianist were superb, the place in the cellar is, however, deplorable — an acient cellar revovated with a particularly cheap and poor taste
Bridget M, USA
12月 2018年
Music was wonderful but the venue was very hard to locate. There was no signage outside and there were not enough programs.
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