見つかったイベント ヴロツワフ
ヴロツワフ, Aula Leopoldina in Wrocław
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Italian Pop Opera
ヴロツワフ, Aula Leopoldina in Wrocław
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Freddie Mercury Rock ‐Operally
ヴロツワフ, Aula Leopoldina in Wrocław
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ショパン&フレンズ — セント・メリー・マグダレン大聖堂でのピアノ・コンサート
ヴロツワフ, St. Mary Magdalene Church
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55 min -
ヴロツワフ, Sanctuary of the Jasna Góra Mother of the Church
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St. Mary Magdalene Church
ヴロツワフ, ポーランド
Sanctuary of the Jasna Góra Mother of the Church
ヴロツワフ, ポーランド
Aula Leopoldina in Wrocław
ヴロツワフ, ポーランド
"The Chronicles of Narnia" tour to Adršpach from Wroclaw
After a scenic 2‐hour trip from Wrocław, arrive at the picturesque village of Adrspach on the Czech‐ Polish border known from the movie "The Chronicles of Narnia". Walk through the extensive city of rocks, which forms a maze of impressive gorges. During the walk, enjoy spectacular views of the bizarre rock formations and discover their unusual names such as Lovers, Mayor and Mayor, Sugar Bread, and Tooth Karkonosch.Then see one of the main highlights — a beautiful waterfall surrounded by the rocks which is known to have bewitched the most famous German Romantic poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in 1790.After the walk, enjoy some free time to eat lunch in the local restaurant before the pleasant return ride to Wroclaw.
Day‐tour to the pearls of Lower Silesia
Visit two UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Lower Silesia in one day. Admire the beauty of the wooden church in Swidnica, the largest wooden church in the world and see the largest timber‐framed religious buildings in Europe in Jawor. Explore Ksiaz Castle, a building located in Walbrzych and included by the Nazi German regime in project "Riese". Ksiaz Castle is located above the Pelcznica river and it was first built in 1292.The wooden church in Swidnica is the largest wooden baroque church in the world. It was built in 1655 and dedicated to the Holy Trinity. It is made of non‐durable materials, which survived so far more than 350 years.The timber‐framed religious buildings in Jawor are the largest wattle and daub buildings in Europe, built at the times of the old Silesia in the middle of the XVII century, at a time of religious conflicts. These buildings are a manifestation of the desire for religious freedom and a rare mixture of Lutheran ideology connected to a Catholic church.Ksiaz Castle is the third largest castle in Poland, placed on a impressive rock cliff by the side of the Pelcznica River. Surrounded by a charming forest which lays 395 meter above sea level, thi castle is often called ‘the Pearl of Lower Silesia’.