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Strand International Piano Series 2024‐5

ロンドン, セント・メアリー・ル・ストランド教会

自由席  瞬時にeチケット 柔軟性のあるギフトとして贈る


$ 43


Step back into history and experience the grandeur of piano music at the beautiful St Mary Le Strand Church in London.

St Mary le Strand (The ''Jewel'' of the Strand) plays host to the third Strand International Piano Series. Further to it's launch to great acclaim in the 2022‐23 season. London's most intimate concert venue boasts stunning architecture, beautiful acoustics and a brand new Steinway concert grand piano. St Mary le Strand is also well situated with many restaurants and bars nearby to complete your evening.

The theme of this year's series will be Debussy's Preludes. Composed between 1909 and 1913, these are testament to Debussy's innovative approach to piano music and his mastery of impressionistic techniques. The two books of preludes, each containing twelve pieces, showcase Debussy's ability to evoke vivid imagery, moods, and atmospheres through music.


Olga Stezhko (piano)


Debussy — Prelude ''Les sons et les parfums tournent dans l'air du soir''
Debussy — Prelude ''Modérément animé'' (…Les tierces alternées)
Francis Poulenc — Melancolie
Lev Abeliovich — Three Romantic Preludes & Tarantella
George Crumb — Makrokosmos II (selected movements)
[with further works by Debussy]

Olga Stezhko is an award‐winning concert pianist and critically acclaimed recording artist. Her striking and idiosyncratic programmes often explore hidden connections between music, science and history across the past four centuries. Olga also specialises in the early 20th century repertoire and she is particularly distinguished in Scriabin and Debussy.


ピアニスト: Olga Stezhko


セント・メアリー・ル・ストランド教会, Strand, ロンドン, イギリス — Googleマップ

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