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  • Palace of Arts Budapest, © Müpa Budapest
    Palace of Arts Budapest, © Müpa Budapest
  • Palace of Arts Budapest, Concert Hall, © Müpa Budapest
    Palace of Arts Budapest, Concert Hall, © Müpa Budapest
  • Palace of Arts Budapest, Festival Theatre, © Müpa Budapest
    Palace of Arts Budapest, Festival Theatre, © Müpa Budapest


ブダペスト, ブダペスト芸術宮殿 (Müpa Budapest) — Bela Bartok National Concert Hall

最高の座席割り当て 柔軟性のあるギフトとして贈る


$ 69











  • Manuel de Falla – Spanish Dance No. 1 from La Vida Breve
  • フランツ・リスト – Hungarian Rhapsody No. 4 in D Minor
  • Iván Fischer – Dance Suite for Violin and Orchestra, In Memoriam J. S. Bach
  • アントニン・ドヴォルザーク – Symphony No. 7 in D Minor, Op. 70


指揮者, Violoncello da Spalla: イヴァン・フィッシャー



オーケストラ: EUユース管弦楽団


ヴァイオリニスト: Diana Tishchenko
Harpsichord: Jenö Lisztes

Palace of Arts

MÜPA Budapest is a multipurpose cultural and arts centre, situated in the Millenium Quarter of Budapest. The former 'Palace of Arts' houses three cultural institutions - the Bartok National Concert Hall, the Festival Theatre, and the Ludwig Museum. Opened in 2005, the centre was immediately recognised for its state-of-the-art architecture and functionally sleek interior. The MÜPA's objective is to introduce modern arts while appreciating old traditions, and to make Hungarian art more accessible to a wider audience. The Bartok Concert Hall houses a magnificent organ, one of the largest in Europe. The complex presents events of many kinds, from opera to dance and concerts of contemporary music.

Antonín Dvořák

Antonin Dvorak is considered to be one of the most well-known and prominent Czechs in the world, as his musical work gained international recognition already during his lifetime. He was born in 1841 in a small Czech village into a butcher’s family. At the age of 6, Dvorak started taking violin lessons and it immediately became obvious that the boy had exceptional talent in music. Later in life, he was learning to master piano and organ as well as simultaneously working in a slaughterhouse. After Dvorak turned 16, he was admitted to the Organ School in Prague that trained future professional composers. After graduating, he stayed in Prague, joined Karel Komzak’s orchestra and started actively composing his own music. However, he struggled to make ends meet and always had to work on the side by playing music in churches and giving private music lessons. Finally, 1874 became a turning point in his life when he won a financial grant from an Austrian Prize competition for his 15 submitted works. This allowed him to quit the orchestra and devote himself fully to composing. During this period, he wrote his Slavonic Dances, Moravian Duets and Violin Concerto, which brought him sweeping success. In 1892 he was invited to teach at the New York National Conservatory, where he stayed until 1895 before returning home. He started teaching at the Prague conservatory and later became its director. Until his death in 1904, he had been a successful and well-loved composer, both in his homeland and around the whole world.

Franz Liszt

Franz Liszt was a Hungarian composer, pianist and conductor of the 19th century Romantic era. He was well-known for his prodigious virtuosic skill as a pianist all over Europe. In fact, he was one of the most prominent representatives of the New German School (Neudeutsche Schule) as a composer. Over the course of his career he created extensive and diverse bodies of works that influenced contemporaries and anticipated many 20th-century ideas and trends. For instance, his most notable musical contributions were the invention of the symphonic poem, making radical departures in harmony and developing the concept of thematic transformation as part of his experiments in musical form.


ブダペスト芸術宮殿 (Müpa Budapest), Komor Marcell sétány 1., ブダペスト, ハンガリー — Googleマップ

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