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  • The Liszt Academy, © Photo: Rudolf Klein
    The Liszt Academy, © Photo: Rudolf Klein
  • The Liszt Academy, Main Hall, © Photo: Judit Marjai
    The Liszt Academy, Main Hall, © Photo: Judit Marjai
  • The Liszt Academy, Solti Hall, © Photo: Gyorgy Darabos
    The Liszt Academy, Solti Hall, © Photo: Gyorgy Darabos
  • The Liszt Academy, © Photo: Gyorgy Darabos
    The Liszt Academy, © Photo: Gyorgy Darabos


ブダペスト, リスト・アカデミー・コンサート・センター (Liszt Academy Concert Center) — Grand Hall

最高の座席割り当て 柔軟性のあるギフトとして贈る


$ 58








  • ゲオルク・フリードリヒ・ヘンデル – 水上の音楽 – Suite No. 1 in F Major from 'Water Music' HWV 348
  • ゲオルク・フィリップ・テレマン – Water Music (Hamburg Ebb and Flow), TWV 55:C3
  • クリストフ・ヴィリバルト・グルック – Don Juan or The Feast Of Stone – Ballet Suite, WQ 52


指揮者: ジョルディ・サヴァール


オーケストラ: ブダペスト祝祭管弦楽団

Liszt Academy Concert Center

The Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music was founded in 1875 by Liszt himself, and was initially called the Royal National Hungarian Academy of Music. Today, the building is home to a prestigious conservatory and fine concert hall, and houses the Liszt Collection, comprising the composer’s manuscripts and books. The institution's dual objective - to provide cultural education and cultural entertainment - makes it unique. The 'New Academy' is located in a grand Art-Nouveau building dominated by the statue of Liszt, one of Budapest’s architectural gems. The season offers not only classical concerts, but also jazz, folk, and contemporary music performances.

Georg Friedrich Händel

An English subject with German origins, Georg Handel was truly a musical pioneer, combining musical traditions of English, Italian and German composers. He was born in 1685 in Halle, Germany, into a very religious and conservative family. His father was dreaming for his son to become a lawyer and would not let young Georg play musical instruments at home. But the Duke Johann Adolf accidentally heard him playing in the chapel and convinced Georg's father to let his son receive a musical education. Thus, Handel became a pupil of the famous organ player and composer Friedrich Zachow. The first success came to Handel in 1705 when he moved to Hamburg and staged his two premiere operas, Almira and Nero, in the Oper am Gänsemarkt. Almira immediately became a highlight of the theatre and was performed around 20 times. Later next year Handel moved to Italy were he received high acclaim and was put on the same level as renowned Italian composers of the time. In 1710 Handel travelled to London where later he decided to settle down. There he wrote a sacred choral piece "Te Deum" that was played in St. Paul´s Cathedral at the ceremony devoted to signing the Utrecht Treaty. From that moment onwards he became the leading composer of England, as the country did not have any native prominent composers. His oeuvre was mainly focused on operas, but by 1730 the genre of Italian opera ceased to be popular and Handel´s success dwindled. During the last years of his life until his death in 1759 he was mainly composing oratorias, including his famous and magnificent Messiah.


リスト・アカデミー・コンサート・センター (Liszt Academy Concert Center), Liszt Ferenc tér 8., ブダペスト, ハンガリー — Googleマップ

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