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  • © Marco Borggreve
    © Marco Borggreve

Opening Concert: The Peace Project

Berlino, Konzerthaus di Berlino — Großer Saal

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$ 47

Lo spettacolo

An immersive concert with moving performers and audience, featuring baroque and modern music by Mansurjan, Kopatchinskaja, Nono, Holborne, Purcell, and others. Co‐produced by Konzerthaus Berlin and SWR Symphonieorchester.


  • Various – A kaleidoscope of baroque and modern music
Il programma può essere soggetto a variazioni


Solista: Patricia Kopatchinskaja


Solista: Sebastian Manz

Ensemble: SWR Experimentalstudio
Pianoforte: Anthony Romaniuk
Orchestra: Members of the SWR Symphony Orchestra


Konzerthaus di Berlino, Gendarmenmarkt, Berlino, Germania — Google Maps

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