Accademia d'Opera Italiana: La Traviata
Lo spettacolo
Coronate il vostro soggiorno nella Città Eterna con il capolavoro di Verdi La Traviata nella magnifica cornice della All Saints Church a Roma.
L'orchestra del Accademia d'Opera Italiana dà vita alla meravigliosa musica di Verdi e racconta la tragica storia di Violetta e Alfredo nell'atmosfera commovente della All Saints Church.
Informazioni pratiche
Per categorie ridotte si prega di presentare un documento di identità valido assieme al biglietto di ingresso per usufruire del prezzo ridotto.
Recensioni clienti
3.8 di 5
Jed D, USA
nov 2019
Outstanding. Singers and musicians were excellent. Only negative: because the singers were behind the orchestra, sometimes the singers could not be heard. The conductor was extraordinary.
wen zhong z, Canada
apr 2019
more singing
César S, España
gen 2019
We enjoyed the representation. Good executed. They resolved good some scenes with only few actors. A small performance very well played.
Larasati S, Indonesia
dic 2018
Nice performances
Margreet v.,
ott 2012
very good
Anne K., New Zealand
giu 2012
Fantastic event Really enjoyed it
John H., Netherlands
giu 2012
Sublime. Wonderful singers. Good atmosphere.
Antonio A., Spain
giu 2012
Janet M., United Kingdom
mag 2012
Acoustics were fuzzy for the first 10 minutes but improved after that. Soprano's voice was sometimes lost.
Totaro O., Japan
gen 2012
コストパーフォーマンスは、最高でした。 食事の時間が迫ってしまい、ラストまでは見られませんでしたが、十二分に楽しめました、一緒に行った女房は、静かに寝ていましたが、、、、、
mitue k., Japan
gen 2012
終了時間 遅すぎた
ANNE I., United States
nov 2011
The venue was very cold.
yuji k., Japan
nov 2011
アルフレッドの父親が特に素晴らしかった。全体を引き締めておられた。 ビオレッタも可愛く、感動しました。教会という独特の雰囲気の中、大劇場とは違った良さがあった。一番前の席で鑑賞させていただきました。
Marita S., Finland
ott 2011
The seats were uncomfortable and there was a draft (it was cold)