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Mitridate di Mozart in concerto: Teatro degli Champs‐Elysées

Parigi, Théâtre des Champs-Élysées — Main Hall

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$ 115

Lo spettacolo

Fin da piccolo, Mitridate mostrò gli inizi del successivo talento musicale e teatrale di Mozart.


  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Mitridate, re di Ponto K. 87
Il programma può essere soggetto a variazioni


Sergey Romanovsky | Mitridate
Jessica Pratt | Aspasia
Olga Bezsmertna | Sifare
Rose Naggar‐Tremblay | Farnace
Maria Kokareva | Ismene
Alasdair Kent | Marzio
Nina van Essen | Arbate

Christophe Rousset | regia
Les Talens Lyriques


Pianoforte, Tenore: Angela Hewitt

GRAMOPHONE ARTIST OF THE YEAR 2006. Angela Hewitt is a phenomenal artist who has established herself at the highest level all over the world in the last years. Her greatest work is an eleven‐year project during which she recorded all the major keyboard works of Bach. The record entered the billboard charts in the U.S.A.


Théâtre des Champs-Élysées, 15, Avenue Montaigne, Parigi, Francia — Google Maps

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