Duomo di Berlino
Berlino, Germania
The Berliner Dom or Berlin Cathedral in Berlin, Germany was built between 1895 and 1905. It faces the Lustgarten and the Berliner Stadtschloss (Berlin City Palace).
The first church built near here in 1465 was the court chapel for the Hohenzollern family within the castle complex. Later the church of the Dominican Order (Schwarze Brüder), located at the south side of the castle, was used as the first cathedral. The first church at this site was a baroque cathedral by Johann Boumann, which was completed in 1747 and, in 1822, remodelled in the neoclassicist style by the Berlin architect Karl Friedrich Schinkel.
Duomo di Berlino, Am Lustgarten 1, 10178 Berlino, Germania, Google Maps
Ascensore: Sì
Eventi trovati per Duomo di Berlino
Concerto di Natale al Berliner Dom
Berlino, Duomo di Berlino
Il racconto di Natale al Berliner Dom
Berlino, Duomo di Berlino
Presepe vivente — La rappresentazione natalizia al Berliner Dom
Berlino, Duomo di Berlino
1 h -
La Nona Sinfonia di Beethoven al Berliner Dom
Berlino, Duomo di Berlino
Concerto di Capodanno — fuochi d'artificio per strumenti a fiato e organo! al Berliner Dom
Berlino, Duomo di Berlino
Oratorio di Natale di Bach, IV‐VI: Berliner Dom
Berlino, Duomo di Berlino
Il topo d'organo del Berliner Dom
Berlino, Duomo di Berlino
Venerdì Santo con Bach!
Berlino, Duomo di Berlino