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Bach a lume di candela a St Mary le Strand

Londra, Chiesa di St Mary Le Strand

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$ 44

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Godetevi questo eccezionale recital pianistico, offerto da City Music Promotions, con la pianista Christina Lawrie, leader del settore. Con una selezione delle eccezionali opere per tastiera di Bach e nella splendida cornice a lume di candela di St. Mary Le Strand, questo sarà un programma di grande fascino da non perdere! Per completare la serata ci sono molti ristoranti e bar nei dintorni.

Christina Lawrie vanta una carriera entusiasmante e variegata come solista, pianista di canzoni e musicista da camera. I punti salienti della carriera includono recital da solista per la Wigmore Hall Purcell Room Leeds International Concert Season St. George's, Bristol Perth Concert Hall Concerto di Grieg con la Royal Scottish National Orchestra, ed esibizioni dal vivo per BBC Radio 3 e BBC Radio Scotland, oltre a performance filmate di musiche di Beethoven e Ravel per BBC Bitesize. Christina ha ottenuto numerosi riconoscimenti a livello nazionale e internazionale. È stata finalista al Royal Overseas League Piano Competition di Londra, al Concorso Pianistico Internazionale di Madrid "Compositores de España" e premiata al Concorso Pianistico Internazionale di Marsala.


  • Johann Sebastian Bach – Little Preludes (selection)
  • Johann Sebastian Bach – Partita No. 1 in B flat Major
  • Johann Sebastian Bach – Partita no 6 in E minor
Il programma può essere soggetto a variazioni


Pianoforte: Christina Lawrie

Johann Sebastian Bach

The name Bach and the word musician had long been synonyms in Germany as the world saw 56 musicians from this kin. But it was Johann Sebastian Bach, a genius composer and virtuoso organ player, who shed lustre on his family name. He was born on th 31st of March 1685 in Eisenach, a small town in Thuringia. At the age of 10 he became an orphan and was brought up by his elder brother Johann Christoph, who was an organist in a neighbouring town. His brother was the one to teach music to the young Johann Sebastian. Later he moved to Luneburg where he attended a church school and mastered the techniques of playing violin, viola, piano and organ by the age of 17. Besides that, Bach was a choir singer and later after his voice broke he became a chanter’s assistant. In 1703 Bach was hired as a court musician in the chapel of Duke Johann Ernst III. He earned such a good reputation there that he was later invited to Arnstadt to be an organist at the New Church, where he wrote his best organ works. In 1723 he moved to Leipzig to be a chantor at St. Thomas Church where he stayed until his death of a stroke in 1750. In the year of his death he had undergone unsuccessful eye surgery which lead him to lose his eyesight. During that strenuous time his second wife Anna Magdalena helped him to write his last musical pieces. Bach’s artistic legacy is vast. He created compositions in all genres of the time: oratorias, cantatas, masses, motets, music for organ, piano and violin.


Chiesa di St Mary Le Strand, Strand, Londra, Regno Unito — Google Maps

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