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Classic in the Crypt : Concerto pour piano 'For Elise' avec Walkiria

Vienne, Église Saint‐Pierre — Krypta

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$ 35

A propos du spectacle

Plongez dans le monde de la musique classique lors d'un concert de piano inoubliable dans la crypte de l'église Saint‐Pierre. Découvrez des œuvres magistrales pour piano dans un cadre extraordinaire. La crypte, avec son aura historique et son acoustique impressionnante, constitue la toile de fond parfaite pour une soirée de sophistication musicale et d'émotion profonde.
La virtuose vénézuélienne du piano Walkiria, plusieurs fois lauréate de prix internationaux, donne vie à ces compositions intemporelles grâce à son jeu impressionnant. Un concert qui touche à la fois le cœur et l'âme.
Établi comme le plus petit opéra et théâtre classique d'Autriche, les représentations au KRYPTA captivent par leur intensité et leur grande qualité. Située sous l'église Saint‐Pierre de Vienne, cette salle intime offre une expérience classique exceptionnellement personnelle.
Le KRYPTA est agréablement chaleureux à tout moment de l'année.

Informations pratiques

Le KRYPTA est agréablement tempéré à tout moment de l'année.


  • Ludwig van Beethoven – Für Elise
  • Franz Schubert – 6 Moments Musicaux Opus 94, D. 780
  • Domenico Scarlatti – Sonata in D Minor, K. 9
  • Robert Schumann – Kinderszenen Träumerei
  • Claude Debussy – Préludes, Livre 1
  • Frederic Chopin – Ballade No. 3
Programme sous réserve de modifications


Piano: Walkiria


The Peterskirche (St Peter’s Church) is the second-oldest church in Vienna, founded around 800AD, if legend is to be believed. The present church was built in 1732 in the Baroque style, with Vienna's first baroque dome. Inspired by St Peter's Basilica in Rome, the interior is adorned with frescoes, sculptures, golden altarpieces and carved wood. Peterskirche is one of Vienna's busiest classical music venues, featuring a diverse program that includes daily organ concerts, operas, choral concerts and performances by prominent local and international artists. In addition to performances in the elegant main sanctuary, the Peterskirche also hosts concerts in the fascinating and intimate crypt below ground level.

Franz Schubert

During his rather short life, Franz Schubert, one of the fathers of romanticism in music, had always been an unappreciated genius who had never received public acclaim. Only his family and friends were delighted by his music, and most of his works were discovered and published only many years after his death. Franz Schubert was born on the 31th of March 1797 in the suburbs of Vienna. His father and eldest brother were amateur musicians and they taught him to play piano and violin. At the age of 11 Schubert was a singer in a choir at the Lichtenthal parish and later auditioned for Antonio Salieri and admitted to the emperor’s choir. During that period young Franz started composing his own works. However, after his voice broke he had to leave the choir and in 1814 he started working as a teacher in the same parish school as his father. He never stopped composing and 4 years later he decided to quit teaching and devote his life completely to music. He fell out with his father because of that and struggled to make ends meet. In 1818 Schubert went to Vienna, where he met Vogl. Together they gave private concerts in small aristocratic circles, mainly playing Lieder, which Schubert wrote around 600. Franz Schubert gave only one big public concert in his whole life in March 1828, which was very warmly received by the audience. However, his health was deteriorating and in November the same year he died of thyroid fever at the age of 31.

Ludwig van Beethoven

Ludwig van Beethoven was a German pianist and composer of the late 18th century. He is well known as the most influential composers of all time as well as crucial figure to the Classical music scene. In fact, he demonstrated his musical talent at an early age, taking lessons from his father and composer/conductor Christian Gottlob Neefe. Later, he moved to Vienna where he gained the reputation of a virtuoso pianist by composing his popular masterpieces. He created his most admired works in his last 15 years of life, all the while being almost completely deaf.

Frederic Chopin

Frederic Chopin was a Polish composer and pianist of the Romantic area (early 19th century). He wrote primarily piano solos but also piano concerts, chamber pieces and songs set to Polish lyrics. He is well-known as a poetic genius without competition of his generation. In fact, he created the concept of instrumental ballade and his performances were noted for their sensitivity and fine distinction. He spent most of his life in Paris, where he performed for the intimate atmospheres of salons. For most of his life, he suffered poor health. As a result, he died quite young at the age of 39, probably of tuberculosis.


Église Saint‐Pierre, Petersplatz, Vienne, Autriche — Google Maps

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