Estonia’s capital on the Baltic Sea contains a wealth of stimulating historical places and activities for visitors. From its noble 13th-century Town Hall Square in the picturesque walled city to its enormous, ultramodern maritime museum, Tallinn offers a fresh, enlightening, and amusing setting for the artistically inclined; concerts take place in many archetypal and evocative locales, including the ruins of the old convent, a host of glorious churches, and the beauteous and versatile Estonian National Opera. With its fine museums, nostalgic narrow lanes, open-feeling green spots and seaside promenades, Tallinn at dusk invites strollers in to hear a distinguished orchestra or a romantic opera.
Sujets populaires dans Tallinn
Opéra de Tallinn
Billets pour l'Opéra national d'Estonie
Informations, horaires et billets
Concerts Tallinn
Billets pour des concerts classiques à Tallin
Informations, horaires et billets
Tallinn Opéra
Découvrez l'Opéra National d'Estonie
Informations, Horaires et Billets
Noël & Nouvel An à Tallinn
Billets, programme et horaires
Célébrez la fin d'année dans la capitale estonienne
Opéra Estonien
Information, horaires et billets
Découvrez l'Opéra National d'Estonie à Tallin