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Orquesta Sinfónica de Milán: Mozart / Korngold / Eun Sun Kim

Milán, Auditorium Fondazione Cariplo — Main Hall

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Precio total
$ 46

Sobre el espectáculo

Disfrute de la hermosa música clásica de Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart y Erich Wolfgang Korngold en el Auditorium Fondazione Cariplo de Milán.


  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Sinfonia concertante in E‐flat major, K.297b
  • Erich Wolfgang Korngold – Symphony in F‐sharp major op 40
El programa está sujeto a cambios


Dirección musical: Eun Sun Kim

Conductor Eun Sun Kim started her career as assistant conductor at the Teatro Real in Madrid. Since then she has been working at the leading opera houses in Europe and has been working with many other famous conductors.

Orquesta: Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano
Violoncello da Spalla: Emiliano Greci Raffaella Ciapponi Clarinet Orsolya Juhasz Bassoon Sandro Ceccarelli
Solista: Emiliano Greci
Bassoon: Orsolya Juhasz
Solista: Sandro Ceccarelli


Auditorium Fondazione Cariplo, Largo Gustav Mahler, Milán, Italia — Google Maps

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