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Classic Italian Opera in Santa Monaca Church style= Classic Italian Opera in Santa Monaca Church

Clásicos de la ópera italiana en la iglesia Santa Monaca

Florencia, Chiesa di Santa Monica — Main Hall

Libre elección de asientos  1 h 15 min  Entrada electrónica instantánea Comprar como regalo

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Precio total
$ 32

Sobre el espectáculo

Viaje a través de las arias de óperas italianas más famosas de Mozart, Puccini, Rossini y muchos más.

Cantantes profesionales acompañados por piano interpretan en la bella atmósfera de la iglesia de Santa Monaca en Florencia.


  • Giuseppe Verdi – La Traviata – Arias from La Traviata
  • Giacomo Puccini – Madame Butterfly – Arias from Madame Butterfly
  • Giacomo Puccini – Tosca – Arias from "Tosca"
  • Giacomo Puccini – La Bohemia – Arias from: "La Bohème"
  • Gioachino Rossini – El Barbero de Sevilla – Arias from 'Il barbiere di Siviglia'
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Las Bodas de Figaro – Arias and Duets, from 'The Marriage of Figaro', K. 492
El programa está sujeto a cambios

Reparto / Producción

Entre 1 o 4 músicos del conjunto Italian Opera actúan en este concierto.

Italian Opera:
Soprano: Paola Cigna, Laura Andreini, Veronica Lazzeri, Elena Pinciaroli, Luisa Berterame
Mezzosoprano: Laura Brioli, Lily Jorstad
Tenor: Sangtaek Oh
Barítono: Massimo Naccarato, Seonghoon Park
Bajo: Leon Kim, Romano Martinuzzi
y ganadores de la Competición Italian Opera 2017


4.4 de 5

  • Juan Pablo N, Chile

    sep 2019

    Buena performance, nos faltó algunos instrumentos para hacer la presentación más atractiva.

  • Linda W, USA

    may 2019

    This was a stronger and more professional program than anticipated. All performers seemed to enjoy sharing their love of opera and classical piano with the relatively small, but enthusiastic audience. I enjoyed listening to young Elena’s strong and accomplished voice knowing that she will continue to grow and flourish. The pianist was a nice surprise and his Chopin was technically flawless but would have had greater impact in a more classical, non‐ operatic program. Enjoyed their playfulness yet professional air, and the acoustics were excellent. Elena’s clear pitch perfect strong voice powerfully command this former church. Delightful and well worth the ticket price. Thank you —

  • Weina C, Germany

    mar 2019

    Wonderful beautiful evening in this exclusive venue and with such virtuous artists! Florence is an amazing city that inspires so many beauty. La dolce vita in the air. Thank u for this touching evening ❤️

  • robert g, USA

    oct 2018

    Venue in simple unadorned church. Excellent acoustics. Close‐up seating to performers. Only 40 people in audience. Baritone, soprano and pianist all excellent

  • Aase B, Norway

    oct 2018

    I enjoyed the concert and would easily be back.

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Chiesa di Santa Monica, Via S. Monaca 6, Florencia, Italia — Google Maps

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