The four seasons — Antonio Vivaldi: Ensemble Nikolić & Nikolić
Vienna, Peterskirche — Krypta
About the Event
In his four revolutionary violin concertos, the most famous composer of the Baroque era — Antonio Vivaldi — makes the typical sounds of spring, summer, fall and winter audible in 60 minutes.
In the mystical setting of the acoustically outstanding crypt of St. Peter's Church in Vienna, his work sounds original and authentic. The ensemble Nikolić & Nikolić (2 violins, viola, cello) guarantees the highest quality combined with unbridled passion for playing. An unforgettable experience for connoisseurs and newcomers alike.
KLASSIK in the KRYPTA and in the in‐house chapel offers exceptional concert experiences. The proximity to the renowned artists creates a fascinating exchange of energy that captivates the audience and makes the cultural event a unique experience.
The crypt and chapel are at a pleasant temperature at any time of year.
Practical Information
Die Krypta ist zu jeder Jahreszeit angenehm temperiert.
- Antonio Vivaldi – Die vier Jahreszeiten
Ensemble: | Ensemble Nikolić & Nikolić |
Peterskirche, Petersplatz, Vienna, Austria — Google Maps