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Tchaikovsky's Fifth: L'auditori

Barcelona, Auditori de Barcelona — Sala Pau Casals

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Total Price
$ 137

About the Event

Following his remarkable performance last season, conductor Andrés Orozco‐Estrada returns with a captivating program featuring Tchaikovsky's Fifth Symphony.


  • Ludwig van Beethoven – Overture Egmont, Op. 84
  • Robert Schumann – Concerto for Cello in A minor, Op. 129
  • Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky – Symphony No. 5 in E‐minor
Program is subject to change

Cast / Production

wdr symphony orchestra cologne

pablo ferrández, cello

andrés orozco‐estrada, conductor


Conductor, Staging: Andrés Orozco‐Estrada

Andrés Orozco‐Estrada was born in 1977 in Medellin (Columbia). At the age of five he started to play the violin, at the age of 15 he conducted the orchestra of his Music High school. In 1992 he started to study conducting. From 1997 to 2003 he persued his conducting studies in the master class of Uros Lajovic at the Vienna Music Academy.

From 2001 to 2004 Andrés Orozco‐Estrada was elected Chief Conductor of the Symphony Orchestra of Vienna's Technical University. During these years he conducted a wide range of symphonic and opera programmes, including concert and staged performances of Le Nozze di Figaro, Don Giovanni, Abduction from the Seraglio, The Magic Flute and Don Carlo.

Orchestra: WDR Sinfonieorchester Köln
Cello: Pablo Ferrández


Auditori de Barcelona, C/ Lepant 150, Barcelona, Spain — Google Maps

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