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Sunday Concerts: Ensemble V + Pre‐Concert Talk

About the Event

Ensemble V takes its name from the British composer Kenneth V. Jones, whose Piano Quintet they will be recording. The concert will feature a combination of Jones' Quintet, some of his shorter works, and masterpieces by Mozart & Dvořák. An album of Jones' music, including the Quintet, will be available for purchase at the Box Office.

Sebastian Comberti met Kenneth V. Jones by chance in a small village near Lewes. Besides his film and TV music, Jones had composed pieces for the concert hall and BBC broadcast, some of which had not been performed in years. Sebastian will discuss this music, as well as the composer's influences and inspirations from his contemporaries.

Cast / Production

Ruth Rogers • violin
Kate Comberti • violin
Sally Beamish • viola
Sebastian Comberti • cello
Viv McLean • piano

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