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  • Spanish Synagogue, Prague
    Spanish Synagogue, Prague

Prague Synagogue Concerts

Information, Schedule and Tickets

Enjoy classical music concerts in one of the venerable synagogues in Prague. Choose from one of our classical concerts below, which are performed in the Spanish Synagogue and the Maisel Synagogue. Order your ticket for concerts in the Synagogues of Prague securely and conveniently at Classictic. Your tickets will be sent to you via email as e‐Tickets.

Events found for Prague Synagogue Concerts

  • Bolero and Carmina Burana at the Spanish Synagogue

    Bolero and Carmina Burana at the Spanish Synagogue

    Prague, Spanish Synagogue

    + more dates

    1 h 5 min
    $ 27
  • Hallelujah! Best of Classical, Popular & Musicals in Prague

    Hallelujah! Best of Classical, Popular & Musicals in Prague

    Prague, Spanish Synagogue

    + more dates

    $ 27
  • The Best of World and Czech Music: Spanish Synagoge

    The Best of World and Czech Music: Spanish Synagoge

    Prague, Spanish Synagogue

    + more dates

    $ 27
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Prague Synagogue Concerts