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Concerts and Opera Performances in Munich, June 2025.

  • Nymphenburg Classic a la Mozart Piano soiree with master pianists

    Nymphenburg Classic a la Mozart Piano soiree with master pianists

    Munich, Schloss Nymphenburg

    + more dates

    $ 51
  • Odeon concert at Allerheiligen‐Hofkirche

    Odeon concert at Allerheiligen‐Hofkirche

    Munich, Allerheiligen Hofkirche

    1 h 30 min
    $ 44
  • Festive Concerts: Palace Schleißheim

    Festive Concerts: Palace Schleißheim

    Munich, Schloss Schleißheim

    + more dates

    $ 49
  • Maestro Concerts  in the Max‐Joseph‐Saal

    Maestro Concerts in the Max‐Joseph‐Saal

    Munich, Residenz München

    + more dates

    $ 56
  • Spanish Guitar & Bach Toccata at Asamkirche Munich

    Spanish Guitar & Bach Toccata at Asamkirche Munich

    Munich, Asamkirche (St.-Johann‐Nepomuk‐Kirche) München

    + more dates

    1 h
    $ 37
  • Cuvilliés Theatre Munich: Festive Concert

    Cuvilliés Theatre Munich: Festive Concert

    Munich, Residenz München

    $ 78