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Saint‐Saëns' Violin Concerto by Daniel Lozakovich

About the Event

23‐year‐old Daniel Lozakovich is conquering major classical stages worldwide. In Amsterdam, too, the Swedish violinist is now a familiar face. In June, he played Brahms' Double Concerto with conductor and cellist Klaus Mäkelä in the Grote Zaal. He made his Concertgebouw debut in 2019 with Beethoven's Violin Concerto conducted by Valery Gergiev. The young star violinist has also performed a few times in the Recital Hall. In March, for instance, he gave a recital with pianist Alexandre Kantorow.

On his 1713 Stradivarius, Lozakovich now plays Saint‐Saëns' Third Violin Concerto. The work is a favourite: he has played it many times. Saint‐Saëns composed it in 1880 for the famous Spanish violinist Pablo de Sarasate, who was known for his devilish arts. As such, it is Spanish‐tinged and virtuosic, but the beautiful melodies also demand refined musicality. It's right up Lozakovich's alley, who recently told Preludium in an interview: ‘If you don't live the music fully, give yourself over to it with the utmost devotion day in and day out, it's not possible to convey something that sticks in someone's heart.’

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