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Sémiramis & Don Juan: Opéra Comique

Paris, Opéra Comique — Salle Favart

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$ 195

About the Event

Don Juan and Semiramis both defy societal norms and divine principles, unaware of the consequences that await them. A ghost foretells the ultimate punishment for their actions.

Prior to his contributions to opera, Gluck played a significant role in revolutionizing the choreographic art of his era. Teaming up with ballet master Angiolini, he worked on transforming dance into a narrative language, an innovative project by Calzabigi in Vienna.

Inspired by French literature, Gluck's pantomime ballets showcased his evocative artistic style across Europe. With choreographies by Edward Clug and Ángel Rodríguezof, this co‐production by the Capitole de Toulouse, the Gran Teatre del Liceu, Barcelona, and the Opéra‐Comique marks a resurgence of an artistic revolution, focusing on expressive gestures above all else.

Sémiramis | Pantomime Ballet Created In 1765 In Vienna Lecture By Gasparo Calzabigi

Don Juan | Pantomime Ballet Created In 1761 In Vienna Lecture By Gasparo Calzabigi

Cast / Production

Musical direction, Jordi Savall • Orchestra, Le Concert des Nations • Ballet de l’Opéra national du Capitole

Sémiramis | Choreography, Ángel Rodríguez • Scenography, Curt Allen Wilmer et Leticia Gañán

Don Juan | Choreography, Edward Clug • Scenography, Marko Japelj


Opéra Comique, 1 Place Boieldieu, Paris, France — Google Maps

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