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Rossini's Petite Messe Solennelle at Saint Louis en l’Ile

About the Event

Experience an enchanting event in the captivating city of Paris at the renowned venue Eglise Saint‐Louis‐en‐l'Île. Witness the performance of one of Rossini's masterpieces of sacred music, the Petite messe solennelle, presented in its original version for soloists, choir, piano, and accordion. This composition marks Rossini's return to sacred music, a genre he had previously neglected. There are two versions of the piece, with the first modestly scored and featuring four soloists, a mixed choir, piano, and accordion. The second version, re‐orchestrated by Rossini himself, offers a larger cast and comprises a particularly full‐length score that lasts an hour and a half, bridging the gap between sacred music and opera.

The Hélios orchestra, established in 2014, has gained recognition for its dynamic and eclectic performances. Under the artistic direction of Paul Savalle, the orchestra actively promotes the professional integration of young musicians by providing them with optimal working conditions that allow them to collaborate with experienced orchestral musicians, conductors, and soloists. The orchestra's repertoire ranges from baroque to contemporary music, and their programs feature symphonic and choral works, often in collaboration with departmental and regional choirs. By collaborating with different conductors, the musicians continually broaden their interpretative palette, enhancing their ability to tackle a rich and diverse repertoire. All members of the orchestra have graduated from France's leading conservatories, and some even have associations with national orchestras.

The Hélios orchestra holds a flexible structure that allows for various formations, from a string quartet to a symphony orchestra to a brass ensemble, enabling them to reach a wide‐ranging audience. Their performances take place in prestigious churches throughout Paris, offering audiences the opportunity to appreciate the city's rich architectural heritage while enjoying exceptional musical experiences. The orchestra's variable‐geometry formation reflects its passionate curiosity and allows them to explore a broad repertoire with enthusiasm.

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