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Oratorio del Gonfalone: Romanesques, follies and other dances, with some fantasy, from the 16th to the 17th century

About the Event

Experience an evening full of enchanting melodies for vihuela and spanish guitar in the historic setting of the Oratorio del Gonfalone.


Diego Pisador
Book of Vihuela Music, Salamanca 1552
Pavana muy llana para tañer

Luys de Narvaez
Los sey libros del Delphin de Música, Valladolid 1538
Romanesca 'O Guardame las vacas'.
Fantasia del Quinto tono
Count Claros

Alonso Mudarra
Three Books of Music in Cipher, Siviglia 1546
Pavana Fantasia de sobre fa mi ut re
Pavana of Alexandre,
Gallarda Romanesca
Fantasia X

dal ms. Bouquet of flowers

Antonio de Santa Cruz
Madrid National Library, Mus. M. 2209
Pavanas on E
Jacaras on E
Canary on C

Gaspar Sanz
Instruccion de musica sobre la guitarra Espanola, Madrid 1697 ù
Marizapalos, Tarantelas, Lantururu Canaries

Ferdinando Valdambrini
Libro Secondo di Intavolatura di Chitarra, Rome 1647
Passacaglia Quinta
Capona Seconda e Quarta

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