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  • Municipal House, Prague, Smetana Hall
    Municipal House, Prague, Smetana Hall

New Year’s Concert at Municipal House

Prague, Municipal House (Obecní dum) — Smetana Hall

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Total Price
$ 37

About the Event

The turn of the year is a time of determination for new, better beginnings. It is said, 'As for the New Year, so for the whole year.' Some cling to the New Year's lens, the Prague Symphony traditionally enters the New Year to the rhythm of the furiant and neighbourly with the conviction that the earthy energy that the Slavonic Dances abound in helps so much. Who wouldn't also want to dance briskly throughout the coming year? For Antonín Dvořák, the Slavonic Dances marked a major turning point in his life: he was able to begin his life as an acclaimed composer. The optimism in his music will help us to fulfil our resolution that in this New Year we too can change our lives for the better.


  • Antonín Dvořák – Slavonic Dances, Op. 46 and Op. 72
Program is subject to change


Conductor: Tomáš Brauner
Orchestra: Prague Symphony Orchestra


Municipal House (Obecní dum), 5 Republic Square (Namesti republiky 5), Prague, Czech Republic — Google Maps

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