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    © Concertgebouw

Mozart's Idomeneo

Amsterdam, Concertgebouw — Main Hall

Best seats  6 h 35 min Give as a gift card

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Total Price
$ 91

About the Event

Mari Eriksmoen and Siobhan Stagg play each other’s ‘competitors’ in Mozart’s masterful opera Idomeneo, written when he was 25.


  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Idomeneo, K 366
Program is subject to change


Orchestra: Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra
Conductor: Aapo Häkkinen
Soloist: Mari Eriksmoen
Singer: Anna Lucia Richter
Choir: Zürcher Sing‐akademie
Soprano: Siobhan Stagg
Tenor: Tuomas Katajala


Concertgebouw, Concertgebouwplein, 10, Amsterdam, Netherlands — Google Maps

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