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Little Red Riding Hood: Children's Opera in the Crypt

Vienna, Peterskirche — Krypta

Free seating  1 h  Instant e-Ticket Give as a gift card

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Total Price
$ 29

About the Event

Austria's children's opera specialists Oper@ Tee enchant young and old alike with Boieldieu's enchanting work. However, no one need be afraid of the wolf here. The wolf tells the true story as it really happened.
The close‐up production actively involves the young audience in the story, making the experience particularly intense and unforgettable. Important values such as courage, friendship and solidarity are conveyed in a playful way, making the opera not only entertaining but also educationally valuable.
'Little Red Riding Hood' is ideal for children aged 3 to 12 and promises an unforgettable family outing that brings classical music and culture closer in an entertaining way.
Seats are allocated on site. Every little guest is guaranteed a clear view. An entertaining introduction to the work takes place before the performance begins.

Practical Information

The bright and friendly KRYPTA is pleasantly temperate at any time of year.


  • François‐Adrien Boieldieu – Rotkäppchen
Program is subject to change


Peterskirche, Petersplatz, Vienna, Austria — Google Maps

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