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Foto: Ennevi / Courtesy of Fondazione Arena di Verona style= Foto: Ennevi / Courtesy of Fondazione Arena di Verona

La Traviata: Arena di Verona Opera Festival 2025

Verona, Arena di Verona

Seating plan Best seats  2 h 45 min Give as a gift card

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Total Price
$ 234

About the Event

The popular opera 'La Traviata' makes a comeback at the Verona Arena in a stylish 2011 production by Hugo De Ana, showcasing beautiful décor inspired by the belle époque era with large frames, mirrors, and tapestries.

La Traviata (ital.: The Fallen Woman) is a three‐act opera by Verdi based on Alexandre Duma’s novel 'The Lady with the Camellias' (1852). An opera about 'a woman of pleasure' was something novel in the1850’s due to both subject and setting. The events described are set in Verdi’s era, though directors often choose to update the action to another period. 'La Traviata' is one of the most frequently staged operas in the world.

Act 1
A lively party in the salon of Violetta, Paris' most popular courtesan. A young man, Alfredo Germont, joins the party, and is persuaded to sing a drinking song. Alfredo has adored Violetta from afar, and uses this opportunity to express his feelings for her. Violetta believes that true loveis not for her, because of her occupation, but she is confused by Alfredo’s pure mind and honest love.

Act 2
Violetta and Alfredo have left fashionable society, and live peacefully outside Paris. When Alfredo is away, Violetta unexpectedly receives a visit from Alfredo’s father. Germont senior puts pressure on Violetta to break up with Alfredo, because her reputation jeopardises the marriage plans of his daughter. Violetta is filled with sorrow and guilt, and leaves their home without telling Alfredo the truth. Alfredo, unaware of his father's visit, rages at Violetta's faithlessness.
Violetta returns to Paris society, accompanied by a former patron, the Baron. Alfredo pursues her, and hurls accusations and insults at Violetta in front of the assembled guests.

Act 3
A few months later, Violetta is seriously ill, with death fast approaching. Alfredo rushes to her bedside, finally having been told the truth by his father. Alfredo begs Violetta for her forgiveness. They plan a joyful future together, but Violetta breathes her last as she remembers the time she spent with Alfredo.

Practical Information

Included are:
- Ticket to the opera performance in the chosen category
- One month's free access to a premium classical music streaming service
- self‐guided audio tour of Verona in English


  • Giuseppe Verdi – La Traviata
Program is subject to change

Cast / Production

Direction, Set Design, Costumes, Lights: Hugo De Ana
Choreography: Leda Lojodice
Orchestra, Choir, Dance and Technicians: Fondazione Arena di Verona
Chorus Master: Roberto Gabbiani
Dance Company Coordinator: Gaetano Petrosino
Director of stage design: Michele Olcese

Speranza Scappucci 27/06 05/07 11/07 19/07
Francesco Ommassini 25/07 02/08

Violetta Valéry:
Angel Blue 27/06 05/07 11/07
Rosa Feola 19/07 25/07
Nadine Sierra 02/08

Flora Bervoix:
Sofia Koberidze 27/06 05/07 11/07 19/07 25/07 02/08

Francesca Maionchi 27/06 05/07 11/07 19/07 25/07 02/08

Alfredo Germont:
Galeano Salas 27/06 02/08
Enea Scala 05/07 11/07
Dmitry Korchak 19/07 25/07

Giorgio Germont:
Amartuvshin Enkhbat 27/06 05/07 25/07
Luca Salsi 11/07 19/07
Ludovic Tézier 02/08

Gastone Visconte di Letorières:
Carlo Bosi 27/06 05/07 11/07 19/07 25/07 02/08

Il Barone Douphol:
Gabriele Sagona 27/06
Nicolò Ceriani 05/07 11/07 19/07 25/07 02/08

Il Marchese d’Obigny:
Jan Antem 27/06 05/07 11/07 19/07 25/07 02/08

Il Dottore Grenvil:
Giorgi Manoshvili 27/06
Gabriele Sagona 05/07 11/07 19/07 25/07 02/08

Un Domestico di Flora/ Un Commissionario:
Carlo Striuli 27/06 05/07 11/07 19/07 25/07 02/08

Arena di Verona

The Arena di Verona is the third largest Roman amphitheatre still standing. Built around 30 AD, the Arena is also among the best-preserved amphitheatres of the period. Its gigantic dimensions (140 meters long and 100 meters wide), and seating for over 30,000 spectators, ensure it dominates the northern part of Piazza Bra. Excellent acoustics and a fabulous location make it an ideal venue for large-scale opera performances. The monument was re-established as a theatre during the Renaissance, and in 1913 the tradition of opera at the Arena di Verona began with a production of Giuseppe Verdi's 'Aida'.

Customer Reviews

4.8 of 5

  • Daniel M, Germany

    Jul 2022

    Magnifique !

  • Jul 2022

    One of the best we have been to the Arena

  • Jul 2022

    Super Abend in der Arena. Das aufwendige Bühnenbild war ein Augenschmaus. Die Sänger haben Ihre Stimme voll zur Geltung gebracht. Leider haben wir auf den Stein sitzen mehr schlecht als gut gesessen. Beim nächsten Mal nehmen wir Karten für Stühle.

  • Godfrey G, Malta

    Sep 2019


  • bruno P, France

    Sep 2019

    TRES BEAU SPECTACLE DANS UN CADRE MAGNIFIQUE; a voir au moins une fois dans sa vie

  • Guy M, France

    Sep 2019

    Plus que parfait

  • Dominique G, Canada

    Aug 2019

    Achat des billets, entree dans les arenes: 5/5. La sonorite pourrait être amelioree (amplification). Tres beaux decors, costumes, mise en scene et artistes. Tres belle soiree!

  • Jutta B, Österreich

    Aug 2019

    tolles Ambiente, beeindruckende Stimmung, perfekte Organisation

  • MICHAEL N, United Kingdom

    Aug 2019

    Magical !!

  • Michiel B, Netherlands

    Aug 2019

    Fantastic experience. Great musical performance. Only downside was that my water bottle was taken at the entrance (500 ml soft squeeze bottle…) and someone apparently liked & took it.

  • Alexandra Z, France

    Aug 2019

    Merveilleux opéra. Très bien interprété. Décor et costumes somptueux. C'est la 3ème fois que je vois cet opéra. C'était la plus belle version. De plus tout est bien organisé dans les arènes. Les places du fond entrée E sont très bien aussi

  • Marina P, Россия

    Aug 2019

    Необычайные впечатления. Все слова только в превосходных значениях. Постановка, оркестр, исполнители, костюмы, дирижёр  — лучше не бывает.

  • ALINE M, France

    Aug 2019


  • Philippe B, France

    Aug 2019

    Soirée exceptionnelle

  • Fabrice R, France

    Aug 2019

    Grandiose !

  • Peter B, Schweiz

    Aug 2019

    Einmalige Atmosphäre in der Arena von Verona. Meisterhafte Aufführung der Oper "La Traviata". Der Besuch hat sich sehr gelohnt!

  • Denise L, Schweiz

    Aug 2019

    Gesang sehr schön aber Sitz unbequem zu eng.

  • Sylvia L, Schweiz

    Aug 2019

    Es war ein unglaublich tolles Erlebnis!!

  • Catherine G, France

    Aug 2019

    Très beau spectacle. Entrée facile placement agréable.

  • Janneke Q, Norway

    Aug 2019

    Above all the expectations

  • Melanie B, United Kingdom

    Jul 2019

    The performance was spectacular this was our first opera what an experience.

  • Jack B, France

    Jul 2019

    Je suis extrêmement satisfait du spectacle. comme d'habitude, mise en scène grandiose, distribution de grande qualité et une ambiance incomparable. Toutes mes félicitations au site pour ses services, sa fiabilité et la qualité des places attribuées. je suis un habitué des opéras en Italie, Vérone, Fenice, Scala et je ne passerai plus que par ce site de réservation. Cordialement

  • Alain S, United Kingdom

    Jun 2019

    Absolutely fantastic performance. Will be back next year.

  • Gert T, Denmark

    Jun 2019

    Fantastic Night in Verona

  • RODOLFO S, Chile

    Jun 2019

    Great Leo Nucci

  • bernt t, Norway

    Jun 2019

    Fantastic organisasjon. I was very late because i was very tired after traveling. But your Garda dere highly profesjonell i come back

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Arena di Verona, Piazza Bra 28, Verona, Italy — Google Maps

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