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I Musici di Francesco Guccini

About the Event

'I Musici di Francesco Guccini' is the project formed by the historical musicians of the Modenese Maestrone that aims to give continuity to an immense artistic and poetic heritage. A beautiful double album entitled 'Ronin' was released together with lifelong friends: one can feel the fun and craftsmanship of the project, as well as the affection for the musical atmospheres. 'In ancient Japan, lordless samurai were called Ronin, free to roam, sell or donate their services to anyone who asked. Often these warriors, freed from their bonds, would join together to protect those in need, always for a noble cause. This group, which Francesco Guccini usually called his musicians, shares with those old warriors the desire to continue a journey that began long ago, when they were part of the singer‐songwriter's historic band.' The concert is a long journey through Francesco Guccini's most beautiful songs, thanks to the love, passion and skill of the musicians who accompanied him throughout his long career. During the concert, the songs will be interspersed with memories of life lived with the 'Maestrone,' and it will also be an opportunity to listen live to their new double album 'RONIN,' with new arrangements and unreleased songs, which of course boasts the valuable collaboration and direct intervention of Francesco Guccini.

Cast / Production

JUAN CARLOS 'FLACO' BIONDINI, guitars and vocals
VINCE TEMPERA piano and keyboards
ANTONIO MARANGOLO winds and percussion
ELLADE BANDINI drums and percussion
GIACOMO MARZI electric bass

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