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  • (c) Orchestre Pasdeloup
    © Orchestre Pasdeloup

Enchantement: Orchestre Pasdeloup

Paris, Philharmonie de Paris — Grande Salle: Pierre Boulez

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Total Price
$ 56

About the Event

For years, Orchestre Pasdeloup, Wolfgang Doerner, and Daniel Schmutzhard have a history of concerts and collaborations. This new opus, presented exclusively for this concert, offers a Franco‐Austrian program that is enchanting.


  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – The Magic Flute – Overture 'The Magic Flute', K. 620
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Der Vogelfänger bin ich ja (from 'Die Zauberflöte', KV 620)
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – The Magic Flute – The Magic Flute: Aria Papageno – “Ein Mädchen oder Weibchen”
  • Claude Debussy – La Mer
  • Gustav Mahler – Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen
  • Maurice Ravel – La Valse
Program is subject to change

Cast / Production

Wolfgang Doerner

Daniel Schmutzhard


Philharmonie de Paris, 221 avenue Jean Jaurès, Paris, France — Google Maps

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