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  • © Marc Mildner
    © Marc Mildner

Double bassist Sasha Witteveen plays Bottesini

Amsterdam, Concertgebouw — Small Hall

Best seats  1 h 30 min Give as a gift card

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Total Price
$ 40

About the Event

The 'Jonge Nederlanders' series showcases home‐grown talent in some unusual programmes. Come and hear Sasha Witteveen show how human and intimate the contrabass (double bass) can sound, in works by Bottesini, a composer close to her heart. She’ll also play the Alice in Wonderland suite by Aleksandr Muravyev.


  • Alexander Muravyev – Suite 'Alice in Wonderland'
  • Giovanni Bottesini – Elegie in D major, No. 1
  • Giovanni Bottesini – Tarantella
  • Giovanni Bottesini – La Sonnambula – Fantasy on themes from 'La Sonnambula' by Bellini
  • Giovanni Bottesini – Allegro di concerto alla Mendelssohn 'Gran allegro'
Program is subject to change


Double bass: Sasha Witteveen
Piano: Jorian van Nee
Narrator: Melissa Drost


Concertgebouw, Concertgebouwplein, 10, Amsterdam, Netherlands — Google Maps

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