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Divine Beauties, Antiphons and Neapolitan Sacred Motets

About the Event

Immerse yourself in the stunning architecture of Florence's breathtaking Chiesa di Santa Felicita for the ultimate concert set to awake your understanding of chamber music.

The profound religiosity of southern Italy's inhabitants is reflected in the vast array of churches, chapels, and convents chronicled since the 17th century by numerous travelers to our region. This spiritual fervor was heightened by numerous calamities such as wars, famines, and earthquakes, leading to devotional practices and saintly veneration as forms of seeking solace and protection these are often reflected quietly in musical compositions.

The selected musical pieces possess not only deep spiritual significance but also reveal other important aspects. Primarily, they offer historical insights since they were composed for the Chapels and Confraternities responsible for religious observances. Additionally, they served practical purposes by enhancing divine services and nurturing popular piety. Coinciding with the rise of vocal music from the late 1600s into the early 1700s, there was also a notable increase in violin performances.

Naples, increasingly interacting with diverse European cultural and musical spheres, continuously expanded opportunities for musicians, particularly within major musical institutions like the Royal Chapel, a prestigious venue for many. This period also led to a reevaluation of string instrument artists, including the eminent Arcangelo Corelli, who visited Naples in 1702 for the coronation of Philip V. According to C. Burney in his 'General History of Music,' Corelli was astounded to discover an orchestra capable of instantly performing his concertos. He was particularly impressed by a musician named “Petrillo,” who, according to Corelli, might even exceed his own skill. This refers to Pietro Marchitelli, then the lead violinist at The Royal Chapel.

Leonardo Leo (1694 — 1744)
Trio sonata in Re magg. No 1
Adagio, Allegro tempo comodo [fuga]

Salve Regina antifona in fa magg. per soprano vvll e bc
Largo, Allegro, Largo, Allegretto, Largo

Nicola Fago (1677 — 1745)
Purpura decora. Mottetto a voce sola e bc
Aria, Recitativo, Aria, Recitativo, Alleluia

Pietro Marchitelli (1635 — ca 1715)
Sinfonia in sol min. per due vvll e bc
Allegro, Canzona, Adagio, Allegro

Antonio Porpora (1686 ‐1768)
Clari splendete, o caeli. Mottetto a voce sola con istrumenti
Aria, Recitativo, Aria, Recitativo, Alleluia.

Cast / Production

Valeria La Grotta, soprano
Cosimo Prontera, direttore organo/cembalo
Raffaele Tiseo, violino
Federico Valerio, violino
Fabio De Leonardis, violoncello

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