Couleur Vocale: Vocaal Ensemble A'dam24 — Songs of Farewell
Amsterdam, De Waalse Kerk
About the Event
Trauma in society inflicts its vices not only on those directly involved in war or loss. It gently invades the most unconscious and innocent corner of society and transmits its message intergenerationally. Well‐known author and physician specializing in trauma Gabor Maté writes in his book The Myth of Normal, “Ignorance can bring blissful peace, but that is not true bliss on a collective level, it can lead to great and widespread suffering. We do ourselves and the world a great service when we try to dissolve our illusions and open ourselves to the truths they hide.” This program revolves around the effects of loss and grief, and how the artists found their way to healing.
Hubert Parry — Songs of Farewell 33’
1. My soul there is a country
2. I know my soul hath power
3. Never weather‐beaten sail
4. There is an old belief
5. At the round Earth’s imagined corners
6. Lord, me know mine end
Gustav Mahler (arr. Gottwald) — Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen 7’
Diederik van der Laag — Ils dorment — 7’
Jake Runestad — and so I go on — 7’
Jake Runestad — Waves — 8’
Practical Information
The Bösendorfer Series is a series of intimate piano recitals in which nine top pianists shine behind our Bösendorfer Imperial Grand grand piano. The Bösendorfer Series is made possible in part by Sofitel Legend The Grand Amsterdam.
De Waalse Kerk, Walenpleintje 159, Amsterdam, Netherlands — Google Maps