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Teatro de la Maestranza, Seville style= Teatro de la Maestranza, Seville

Maria Padilla

Seville, Teatro de la Maestranza — Sala Principal

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$ 96

About the Event

Love and the Crown, Love despite Destiny, Love as the disorder of the order of Power.

María de Padilla, named queen after her death, was a noblewoman of Seville: she is buried here in the Royal Chapel of the cathedral, this is where her lover, Don Pedro of Castille mourned her, and one of the most beautiful rooms of the Real Alcázar bears her name. It was this story of irrepressible love and a marriage which the church only recognised once Maria died that enticed Donizetti to compose an opera. It met with tremendous success when it premiered at La Scala of Milan in 1841. In the composer’s story, María de Padilla appears as the beloved of the King of Castille, disowned by her father and driven crazy with jealousy by the monarch’s marriage to Blanca, princess of Burgundy. Neither love nor Pedro’s firm decision to renounce his wife, can change the tragic finale. Love wins out but the loved one suffers defeat in the intent.

Once again, Seville is the setting and inspiration for an opera. A real melodrama which bears the unequivocal seal of its composer. For this occasion, one of the most important Donizetti experts, Riccardo Frizza, will conduct a concert version where it will be heard for the first time at the Maestranza.

A most beautiful composition which will highlight Russian soprano Kristina Mkhitaryan as Maria, Italian tenor Francesco Demuro as Don Ruiz Padilla, Canadian baritone Andrey Zhilikhovsky as Don Pedro and Spanish mezzosoprano Silvia Tro Santafé as Doña Inés, making her debut in the Maestranza.


  • Gaetano Donizetti – Maria Padilla
Program is subject to change

Cast / Production

Musical director: Riccardo Frizza
Real Orquesta Sinfónica de Sevilla

Coro Teatro de la Maestranza
Director: Iñigo Sampil

Don Ruiz Padilla: Francesco Demuro
Maria Padilla: Kristina Mkhitaryan
Doña Inés: Silvia Tro Santafé
Don Pedro: Andrey Zhilikhovsky
Don Ramiro: David Lagares
Francisca: Carolina Rotela
Don Luis: Oscar Oré
Don Alfonso: Julio Ramírez


Teatro de la Maestranza, Paseo de Cristóbal Colón, 22, Seville, Spain — Google Maps

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