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Teatro de la Maestranza, Seville style= Teatro de la Maestranza, Seville

Alonzo King LINES Ballet

Seville, Teatro de la Maestranza — Sala Principal

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Total Price
$ 54

About the Event

From San Francisco to the world, from California to Andalusia, Alonzo King and his troupe defend “the line as an expression of the visual”. Curves and straight lines as essential tools of dance. Dance as one of the most beautiful and complex artistic statements.

Tradition and modernity, folk dance and vanguard dance, culture that is shared and unified by the infinite line of art. The Alfonso King company is a bridge between time and place, customs and innovation.

Empathy, happiness, diversity. The power of creation that knows no bounds. Shared humanity. Touching hearts and stirring minds through dance.

Alonzo King, director and choreographer, founded his company in San Francisco in 1982. Since then, he has travelled the world without turning away from his vocation as a pedagogue and disseminator. King believes in fusion and believes that education is a right and a key to a better and more habitable world. Art as a sign of identity, a light for humanity.

King directs, creates and teaches. His choreographies are in the repertories of the leading dance companies. He holds an Honorary Doctorate Degree from, among others, the Dominican University of California and was awarded the Green Honors Professorship from Texas Christian University.

Alonzo King makes contemporary dance a flag for culture, coming together and beauty.

Cast / Production

Choreography: Alonzo King
Music: Jason Moran, Lisa Fischer, Pharoah Sanders, Maurice Ravel, James Weldon Johnson
Canto: Lisa Fischer
Lighting: Jim French
Costumes: Robert Rosenwasser
Video: RJ Muna
Tour produced: Delta Danse


Teatro de la Maestranza, Paseo de Cristóbal Colón, 22, Seville, Spain — Google Maps

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