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Chiesa Evangelica Valdese, Rome style= Chiesa Evangelica Valdese, Rome

Chiesa Evangelica Valdese

Rome, Italy

The Evangelical church is located in the very heart of Rome, close to several other monuments, at the beginning of Via IV Novembre.
The church was built in 1883, designed by Benedetto Andolfi. The facade has a rose window set within a mosaic in the lunette above the portal. The interior is in neo‐Renaissance style.


Chiesa Evangelica Valdese, Via IV Novembre 107, 00187 Rome, Italy, Google Maps

Events found for Chiesa Evangelica Valdese

  • Opera da Camera di Roma: The Most Beautiful Opera Arias with Dinner

    Opera da Camera di Roma: The Most Beautiful Opera Arias with Dinner

    Rome, Chiesa Evangelica Valdese

    + more dates

    $ 34
  • Opera da Camera di Roma: The Most Beautiful Opera Arias

    Opera da Camera di Roma: The Most Beautiful Opera Arias

    Rome, Chiesa Evangelica Valdese

    + more dates

    1 h 20 min
    $ 24