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Residenz München style= Residenz München

Residenz München

Munich, Germany

The Munich Residenz served as the seat of government and residence of the Bavarian dukes, electors and kings from 1508 to 1918. What began in 1385 as a castle at the north‐eastern corner of the town (the Neuveste, or new citadel) was transformed over the centuries into a magnificent palace, its buildings and gardens extending further and further into the town.


Residenz München, Maximilianstraße / Residenzstraße 1, 80333 Munich, Germany, Google Maps

Events found for Residenz München

  • Maestro Concerts  in the Max‐Joseph‐Saal

    Maestro Concerts in the Max‐Joseph‐Saal

    Munich, Residenz München

    + more dates

    $ 57
  • Cuvilliés Theatre Munich: Festive Concert

    Cuvilliés Theatre Munich: Festive Concert

    Munich, Residenz München

    + more dates

    $ 90
  • J.S. Bach Matthäuspassion BWV 244 at Munich Residenz

    J.S. Bach Matthäuspassion BWV 244 at Munich Residenz

    Munich, Residenz München

    $ 52