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Festive Concerts: Palace Schleißheim (c) Bavaria Klassik GmbH style= Festive Concerts: Palace Schleißheim (c) Bavaria Klassik GmbH

Festive Concerts: Palace Schleißheim

Munich, Schloss Schleißheim — Main Hall

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Total Price
$ 83

About the Event

Experience a festive concert with the Residenz‐Solisten at Palace Schleißheim.

The New Palace Schleißheim with its beautiful baroque gardens was modeled after Versailles in 1701 by the Elector Max Emanuel in an effort to gain imperial dignity.

Enjoy an inspiring concert in the beautiful grand hall of the palace.


  • Giuseppe Verdi – Ouvertüre aus La Traviata
  • Frederic Chopin – Klavierkonzert Nr.2 F‐Moll
  • Franz Schubert – Symphonie Nr. 8 „Unvollendete“
Program is subject to change


Ensemble: Residenz‐Solisten
Piano: Xintian Zhu


Schloss Schleißheim, Max‐Emanuel‐Platz 1, Oberschleißheim, Munich, Germany — Google Maps

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