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Palazzo Corsini al Prato — Fondazione Mascarade Opera

Florence, Italy

The Mascarade Opera Foundation is an independent non‐profit organisation based in Florence that provides training and professional opportunities for young artists. The foundation’s primary activity is its year‐round opera training and performance programme for exceptionally talented young singers and répétiteurs, a programme which is informed by the most recent research in the fields of voice science and performance psychology. Mascarade Opera’s training component is complemented by performance opportunities, allowing the artists to translate what they have learned with coaches, conductors and consultants into professional practice on stage. Places on the programme are fully funded and artists receive a scholarship equivalent to an industry entry‐level salary. The work of the foundation is only possible thanks to the generous support of individual and corporate sponsors.


Palazzo Corsini al Prato — Fondazione Mascarade Opera, Via Il Prato 56, 50123 Florence, Italy, Google Maps

Events found for Palazzo Corsini al Prato - Fondazione Mascarade Opera

  • Trio Mascarade: Reflections

    Trio Mascarade: Reflections

    Florence, Palazzo Corsini al Prato — Fondazione Mascarade Opera

    $ 17
  • Belcanto Night

    Belcanto Night

    Florence, Palazzo Corsini al Prato — Fondazione Mascarade Opera

    $ 17