Florentia, “the florid”, was the name given by the Romans to this small settlement located at the foot of the ancient Etruscan Fiesole. Legendary as a city of flourishing art and culture since the thirteenth century, this Renaissance capital is a monumental center with splendid musical offerings. The theaters, palaces, auditoriums, and churches that grace Florence’s hallowed streets can only be described as ethereal, and the musical tradition that has grown and refined itself here over the centuries is incomparable. It is almost impossible to find a nook in Florence’s stunning (and easy-to-navigate) historical center that contains no architectural gem; this opulent and storied home of the Medici dynasty is still one of the most dazzling spots in the western world – a place to be savored with the ears as well as the eyes. Indulge all of your senses in an opera with wine tasting, an intimate evening of chamber music, or a grand concert in the astonishing city of Florence.
More Venues in Florence
St Mark's Anglican Church
Florence, Italy
Chiesa di Santa Monaca
Florence, Italy
Teatro Verdi
Florence, Italy
Auditorium di Santo Stefano al Ponte Vecchio
Florence, Italy
Palazzo Medici Riccardi
Florence, Italy
Chiesa di Santa Felicita
Florence, Italy
Teatro Aurora
Florence, Italy
Fondazione Franco Zeffirelli
Florence, Italy
Palazzo Corsini al Prato — Fondazione Mascarade Opera
Florence, Italy
Cortile di Santa Maria Novella
Florence, Italy
L'Oratorio di Santa Maria Vergine della Croce al Tempio
Florence, Italy