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Aleke Alpermann & Mathis Bereuter: Cello & Piano

About the Event

Immerse yourself in the stunning architecture of Berlin's breathtaking Konzerthaus Berlin for the ultimate concert set to awake your understanding of classical music.

The desire for cohesion is great these days. And what better way to find each other than with touching music experienced together.
Alone on stage and yet together with you in music, cellist Aleke Alpermann and pianist Mathis Bereuter take up the desire for community and peace that can be felt everywhere and create a space with their concert evening in which they spread feelings of happiness with the music of great composers: A program that creates connectedness and gives hope. Among the pieces played will be the first cello sonata by Saint‐Säens, transcribed Bach chorales that stand on their own in their natural beauty, and the 2nd sonata by Felix Mendelssohn, radiant with vital energy. A concert evening of contemplation and departure, fitting for the beginning of a new, hopefully peaceful, year.

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