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Foto: Franziska Hatz (c) Michael Sticher style= Foto: Franziska Hatz (c) Michael Sticher

Akkordeonale 2025!

Berlin, Passionskirche — main

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Total Price
$ 59

About the Event

When accordionist and festival founder Servais Haanen invites you to the Akkordeonale, one thing is certain: it will be a celebration!
Here you can experience the accordion from its most beautiful side in an innovative, exhilarating and refreshingly different way. Since 2009, the Dutchman has been bringing together musicians from a wide range of countries every year for a surprising mix of ensembles across all styles. Whether traditional or contemporary, folkloric, classical, jazzy – the program, full of sparkling temperament, wit and poetry, is a single declaration of love to the instrument of unlimited possibilities.
Subtle Nordic highlights, breathtaking virtuosity from Serbian to classical, passionate Mediterranean canzoni, unconventional Austrian jazz gems, Dutch sound aesthetics, groovy flugelhorn and masterful, atmospheric harp playing are the ingredients that make up this year's Akkordeonale.
And – no accordionale without Servais Haanen's cabaret‐style moderation!
The centerpiece of the concert is the pulsating alternation of solos and ensemble pieces and exciting interactions between the musicians. As different as the personalities, cultural backgrounds and playing styles may be – the common language of music creates a lively understanding that does not care about borders and divisions.
A talent for improvisation, spontaneity and the joy of performing together combine the musical wealth of the individuals into something new, something never heard before.
A celebration of sounds! Adrenaline and soul balm!

Practical Information

Reduced category for children up to 12 years of age, severely disabled


Passionskirche, Marheinekeplatz 1‐2, Berlin, Germany — Google Maps

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